Switch & RCD Installation
RCDs, also known as safety switches, monitor the current of electricity in your home.
RCDs, also known as safety switches, monitor the current of electricity in your home, however, if there is a fluctuation of electricity caused by a wire being touched, for example, the device then restricts the supply of electricity and this prevents potential electrocution or fires. RCD safety switches are mandatory in Western Australian homes and are required to be installed by a licensed Perth electrician.
Switch & RCD Installation In Perth

Switch & RCD Installation Service
Our team of RCD safety switch Perth installers can provide installation as well as RCD switch testing to ensure that your RCD safety switches are performing correctly by providing constant protection. It is important to have your power switches Perth tested every 3-13 months by a licensed electrician to prevent future electrical damages and risks of potential fires.
Switch & RCD Installation Service Provider
Brillare Electrical Services will first plan out the components involved in the RCD safety switch installation, investigate how the power switches Perth will be used, where they will be located and how they will be inspected. Our local electricians Perth will ensure they provide the correct RCD safety switch installation depending on your needs, such as RCD combos or powerpoint RCD switches. Our electrical switch installers will monitor the process from beginning to end and test the installation to ensure the safety switch is performing safely.
In need of Perth RCD installation? Brillare Electrical Services has you covered! Enquire about RCD power switches from our expert team today.